What’s an e-Signature ?

Redesign the way you sign, eSign with Zust Sign.

An eSignature is your virtual representation of consent and agreement to the terms and conditions of a document. What could ideally take up to a few hours to days to get signed and delivered will now be completed within minutes.

Resign yourself to a necessary bulk of paperwork but with utmost comfort by using eSignatures.

Legally Binded
Legally Binded
eSign easily with Zust Sign!

Zust Sign is the perfect solution for exchanging and managing signed documents & agreements. We help you with a varied range of options to effortlessly obtain and process signatures digitally with an inbuilt technology that allows you predefine signature styles, allot multiple signatories and track the same with precision.

  • You can also set the preferences for obtaining the order of signatures from the signees.
  • Set a predefined flow for who should sign first and where and who will follow next.
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Steps for Zust Signing

  • Upload numerous documents and agreements onto the Zust platform
  • Use smart fillable fields with drag & drop options for signatures, text, date & time.
  • Customise the field sizes to your preference.
  • Add additional items including dropdown, checkboxes, radio button groups for more clarity.
  • Delegate documentation to signers and assign signature roles.
  • Include notes & remarks for the signers.
  • Track any changes with the eSignature audit trails
  • Attest & authenticate documentation and complete the eSignature process.
Steps for Zust Signing
Types of Signs

Type, Draw or Upload Your Signature

Zust Sign gives you the comfort to choose among its three eSignature options which provide a digitally generated certificate containing the document history for each and every paper that has been signed.

There’s more
  • Add Multiple signers and assign signature roles for your documents with just a drag and drop.
  • Customize signature fields to your preference along the whole document with ease.
  • Allow role assignments to signers and sub delegation of signing authority just with few clicks.

Zust Signature workflow

  • Create the documentation for signatures
  • Automated email & notifications sent to the signing parties
  • View documents - by both parties.
  • Approve and authenticate signers.
  • Sign documents and receive the signed copies.
  • Changes to signers, approvals, cancellation & opt-outs.
  • Document acknowledgement & approval
  • Signing process completion.

Secure eSignatures with Zust Sign

Get optimum protection with a Hash generation and a unique Hash ID for every eSignature made using Zust Sign. Forget the troubles of data loss, tampering and fabrication of documents and instead Zust Sign!

How does it work?
  • Get started with an account on Zust Sign.
  • Upload documents or create customized documents with Zust templates.
  • Edit, modify and alter any section of Zust templates and complete the document.
  • Add and arrange drop boxes for signatures.
  • Assign signer preferences, order of signatures and roles.
  • Finish the final version and share it with relevant stakeholders.

Signers will now be intimated via mail of their role and responsibility. The eSignatures made between you and the signer are completely secure and audit logged.

Zust Sign Audit Trails

With the Zust Sign audit trails never lose track of the changes that have been made to your documents. Zust’s automated audit logging integration into eSignature processes makes it an end to end secure system for digitally signing and authenticating all of your paperwork.

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Audit Trail

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