Sep 10, 2021 by Admin

Using technology to improve the efficiency of a staffing agency

Audit Trail

The landscape for staffing companies changed quite a lot after the start of the pandemic with increased paperwork, delayed response times, etc. The need for staffing and recruiting has seen exponential growth due to a spike in the job market volatility. Many staffing software enables staffing companies to work more efficiently by automating not only day-to-day tasks but also compliance and human resource-centric paperwork.

As multiple staffing software solutions are available to ease Onboarding workflow at various stages, let us take a quick tour of the workflow in staffing agencies and staffing solutions by their stages:

  1. Recruitment

  2. The digital era has seen a rise in the usage of tools for staffing and recruiting for identifying, sourcing, attracting, and selecting candidates. Manual processes and form filling can now be done online which reduces the turnaround time drastically. From professional networking sites like LinkedIn and its automation tools, resume database sites, and portfolio sites, there are plenty of options to source the best talent for all recruitment needs. A step ahead of the game are expensive options including Chatbots and Conversation assistants like XOR which enable easy, personal, customized, friendly, and timely interaction with the applicants.

  3. On-boarding

  4. Since the challenges in paperwork (especially for small or midsize staffing companies, hiring outside the country) post-pandemic have increased tremendously even after a suitable candidate is selected, Onboarding processes need undivided attention. Companies like ZustSign are offering customized Onboarding solutions for easy e-onboarding processes. It helps you complete document preparation from a single information source and complete the process with signatures. Thereby, each Onboarding process is legally compliant, with minimal typing and no manual scanning which reduces the overall turnaround time. It also offers easy archival and retrieval of these documents not only for internal use but also to collaborate with external vendors. It offers 360° access & view of each employee through a single screen including their documentation, timesheet details, expenses, invoices, payments, project & productivity tracking, etc. You can even customize alerts and notifications to accelerate effective team collaborations.

  5. Management

  6. Once the employee is Onboard, there is plenty of software available for managing their day-to-day activities right from day 1! accounting and financial management, a few of which are tailored for staffing company needs. The same is the case for vendors offering complete CRM for staffing firms.

    Some of the companies offering multiple solutions at various levels are PandaDoc and BambooHR that provide collateral digital assistance for workflows and resource management.

    Today, staffing solutions are enabling teams not only to work more efficiently but also to expand businesses.

    The goals of a staffing company are to provide the best resources to each of the job descriptions they receive. Doing this with minimum overhead tasks and in a short span, Onboarding new hires at the earliest, and managing them throughout the contract period are their broad workflow processes. To make operations and functionality efficient, every enterprise must adapt technology to work smarter and stay ahead of their time.

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